Inginer, om de afaceri si inventator american (1902 -1978), a activat, avand contributii importante, in domeniile: electronica, aviatie (a construit la firma sa LearJet avioane mici cu reactie, care –la sucursala sa elvetiana l-a avut ca pilot de incercare pe MS Regele Romaniei, Mihai I, in timpul exilului), motoare (utilizarea turbinei pentru plus de putere). In domeniul audio a ramas in memoria colectiva fiind creatorul (împreună cu colaboratorul sau Richard Kraus) celui mai răspândit model american de casetă fără sfârșit, denumită “8-track cartridge” sau “stereo 8”, cea mai folosita în zona celor 2 Americi, in perioada 1965 – 1975. Ea a fost o variantă de opt piste, dezvoltată din caseta/cartus cu 4 piste Stereo-Pak/Fidelipac, inventata de George Eash (1954) si comercializata anterior de Earl "Madman" Muntz; ideea casetei fără sfârșit vine însă din Germania anului 1937, când ing. Karl Daniel (viitorul constructor al aparatelor Tefifon -vezi alaturat) o inventează, folosind însă o bandă din plastic cu ”șanțuri” citite cu acul de pick-up. 8-track cartridge a fost adaptată rapid mai intai la mașini (1966), apoi la aparatele portabile si stationare, fiind produsă in masa de firma RCA, atât blank cât si pre-inregistrată.
MULTUMIM d-lor ing. W.P. LEAR si R. KRAUS pentru ca ne-au facut viata mai frumoasa !
American engineer, businessman and inventor (1902- 1978), has activated, with important contributions, in the fields of: electronics, aviation (he built small jet planes at his company LearJet, which his Swiss branch had as tests pilot MS King of Romania Mihai I, during exile), engines (use of turbine for extra power). In the audio field, he remained in the collective memory as the creator (together with his collaborator Richard Kraus) of the most used US model of endless cassette, named "8-track cartridge" or "stereo 8", the most used in the area of the 2 Americas, from 1965 to 1975. This cartridge was an eight-track variant, developed from the 4-track Stereo-Pak / Fidelipac cartridge, previously invented by George Eash (1954) and marketed by Earl "Madman" Muntz. However, the idea of the endless tape comes from Germany in 1936, when Karl Daniel (the producer of Tefifon audio devices - see attached) invented it, but using a plastic closed loop tape with "grooves" read with a cartridge w.needle similar to record-player. 8-track cartridge was quickly adapted first to cars (1966), then to portable and stand-alone devices, being mass produced by RCA, blank and pre-registered.
THANK YOU to eng. W.P. LEAR and R. KRAUS because they made our lives more beautiful!
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