
cf. cataloagelor, e primul radio-casetofon al firmei;
portabil, carcasa din PCV, design cu decor ca la Philips (dungi la culoarea mobilei), mecanica inspirata de la Philips dar cu claviatura simpla si eficienta; radio AM-FM (88-108 Mhz) excelent. Putere audio cca 0,8W, mono, alimentare 6V (4 bat. R14). Dupa 48 de ani (!) functioneaza impecabil.
first Sony radio-cassette recorder; portable , mono, ca. 0.8W audio power, powered by 4 bat. x 1.5 V; excellent AM-FM radio, simple and efficient keys of the cassette; after 48 years it plays very well!
- Author
- Sony
- Created on
- Saturday 4 May 2019
- Rating score
- no rate