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++ 1948-50.a. Peirce Sound recorder RD-106/ANH-2

DSCN7753 frontal cu caseta langa.JPG +++  1947.a.c.  caseta/cartridge  RCA MI-12877Thumbnails+++ 1950.b. Tefifon B51 = world's 1st tape deck +++  1947.a.c.  caseta/cartridge  RCA MI-12877Thumbnails+++ 1950.b. Tefifon B51 = world's 1st tape deck +++  1947.a.c.  caseta/cartridge  RCA MI-12877Thumbnails+++ 1950.b. Tefifon B51 = world's 1st tape deck +++  1947.a.c.  caseta/cartridge  RCA MI-12877Thumbnails+++ 1950.b. Tefifon B51 = world's 1st tape deck

unul din primele inregistratoare de uz militar cu caseta; caseta are fir metalic, identica celei folosite de aparatul "civil" Peirce 265 (vezi alaturat), caruia i-a transferat mecanica. E un deck, Lipsesc blocul de alimentare si amplificatorul, care sunt componente separate.

one of the first military audio device/sound carrier using cassette/cartridge ; metal wire cartridge identical that one used by the "civilian" Peirce 265 (see previous photo attached), to which it transferred the mechanics. It's a deck, which Power supply and amplifier are missing, which are separate components.