inginer danez (1869 – 1942) care a ramas in istoria tehnicii atat ca inventator al inregistrarii magnetice, realizand in 1898 un fonograf electromagnetic capabil să înregistreze vorbirea umană prin magnetizarea aleatorie a unui fir metalic, cat si datorita realizarii primului dispozitiv pentru generarea undelor radio continue, ajutând astfel la dezvoltarea radiodifuziunii.
MULTUMIM d-le inginer V. POULSEN, ne-ai facut vietile mai frumoase !
Danish engineer (1869 - 1942) who remained in the history of technology as the inventor of magnetic recording, creating in 1898 an electromagnetic phonograph ("Telegraphone") capable of recording human voice by randomly magnetizing a metal wire, as well as by making the first device for generating of continuous radio waves (1903), thus helping to develop broadcasting.
THANK YOU Mr. Engineer V. POULSEN, you made our lives more beautiful!
(source: brief from Encyclopedia Britannica, Jan, 2020)
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