Tranzistorul a fost inventat de inginerii americani John Bardeen, Walter Houser Brattain din echipa de cercetare condusa de William Bradford Shockley, la Bell Telephone Laboratories din New Jersey si prezentat in decembrie 1947 . Descoperirea tranzistorului a accelerat dezvoltarea electronicii moderne, fiind considerat una din marile inventii ale acestui domeniu si chiar a societatii moderne. Comparativ cu tuburile electronice, aceasta piesa mica cu proprietati semiconductoare a redus enorm dimensiunile, consumul de curent, a marit exponential viteza de lucru/reactie a aparatelor si a determinat o diversificare a acestora (ex: telecomunicatii, tehnica medicala). Pasul urmator l-a constituit inventarea,cca. 12 ani mai tarziu, a circuitelor integrate, folosite acum pe scara larga.
BRAVO CU MULTUMIRI CELOR 3 INGINERI - ne-au facut viata mai usoara !
The transistor was invented by American engineers John Bardeen, Walter Houser Brattain from William Bradford Shockley's investigative team, from Bell Telephone Laboratories in New Jersey and presented on December , 1947. The discovery of the transistor has accelerated the development of modern electronics, being considered one of the great inventions of this domain and even of modern society. By comparison w. electronic tubes/valves, this small piece with semiconductor properties enormous reduced the size, current consumption, exponentially increased the working / reaction speed of the devices and caused a diversification of them (eg. telecommunications, medical technique). The next step was the invention, approx. 12 years later, integrated circuits (IC), now widely used.
BRAVO w. MANY THANKS TO THE 3 ENGINEERS - they made our lives easier!
(source, partially: Tony Thompson - Vintage Radios,the Crowood Press Ltd, 2007, ISBN 9781861269492, p115).
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