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Fritz Pfleumer - magnetic tape' inventor

Fritz Pfleumer - inventatorul benzii mag 1881-1945.png Valdemar Poulsen - magnetic wire recording'  inventorThumbnailsdr. Karl Daniel - inventator si promotorul casetei fara sfarsit/endless cassette inventor & promoterValdemar Poulsen - magnetic wire recording'  inventorThumbnailsdr. Karl Daniel - inventator si promotorul casetei fara sfarsit/endless cassette inventor & promoter

Inginer austriac, a trait intre 1881-1945, considerat inventatorul benzii magnetice. În 1927, după experimentarea cu diverse materiale, Pfleumer a folosit hârtie foarte subțire pe care a acoperit-o cu pulbere de oxid de fier, folosind lac ca adeziv;pentru asta, el a primit un brevet în 1928.
La 1 decembrie 1932, Pfleumer a acordat firmei AEG dreptul de a-i folosi invenția pentru a construi primul "magnetofon" din lume, numit Magnetophon K1. Acesta a fost prezentat prima oară la Târgul International de radio (IFA) Berlin 1935.
MULTUMIM D-le FRITZ PFLEUMER, ne-ai facut viețile mai frumoase !

Austrian engineer (1881-1945), considered magnetic tape' inventor. In 1927, after experimenting with various materials, Pfleumer used very thin paper that he coated with iron oxide powder using lacquer as glue. He received a patent in 1928.
On 1 December 1932 Pfleumer granted to AEG company the right to use his invention when building the world's first practical tape recorder, called Magnetophon K1. It was first demonstrated at the Intl radio fair - IFA, Berlin 1935.
THANK YOU Mr. FRITZ PFLEUMER, you made more beautiful our lives !
(source: wikipedia, jan. 2020)

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