Cataloagele oficiale ale producatorilor constituie baza pt. o cunoastere mai buna a aparatelor deţinute de un colectionar (dpdv: cronologie, caracteristici tehnice, descrieri constructive, preturi-uneori) . Ele insa nu prezinta aparatele destinate autoritatilor la momentul realizarii acestora, ci numai cand devin comercializabile. Poza prezinta majoritatea cataloagelor anuale oficiale Philips aparute in Germania (cateva din Franta, Italia, Romania) in perioada 1962-2010, dar colectia le include pe toate, inclusiv Norelco (brandul Philips in SUA).(poza din colectia muzeului)
Official catalogs of producers are the basis for. a better knowledge of the devices owned by a collector (by p.o.w.: chronology, technical characteristics, constructive descriptions, prices sometimes). But they do not present the devices intended for the authorities at the time of their creation, but only when they become marketable. The picture shows most of the official Philips annual catalogs that appeared in Germany (some from France, Italy, Romania) between 1962-2010, but the collection includes them all (including Norelco -> USA Philips brand).(photo from museum' collection)
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