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+++ 1963.a. Philips EL3300 - world's first "compact-cassette"recorder - the classic starting point of "cassette" era

DSCN1871.JPG ++ 1962(?).k. Reditune TP60Thumbnails+++ 1962-3.f. Revere M-2 - world's first çontinuous play" cartridge recorder++ 1962(?).k. Reditune TP60Thumbnails+++ 1962-3.f. Revere M-2 - world's first çontinuous play" cartridge recorder++ 1962(?).k. Reditune TP60Thumbnails+++ 1962-3.f. Revere M-2 - world's first çontinuous play" cartridge recorder++ 1962(?).k. Reditune TP60Thumbnails+++ 1962-3.f. Revere M-2 - world's first çontinuous play" cartridge recorder

- primul casetofon din lume cf. opiniei specialiştilor; un aparat REVOLUTIONAR, datorită: 1- suportului audio folosit- noua caseta tip ''compact-cassette - mică, performanţe satisfăcătoare, uşor de fabricat si reparat; 2- simplităţii constructive şi uşurinţei utilizării; 3-dimensiunilor reduse; 4-fiabilităţii.
- prezentat publicului la Târgul International de Radio, Berlin, 30 aug-sept.1963 şi comercializat din 1964; utiliza o caseta de conceptie nouă, comparativ cu cele anterioare: cu peste 50% mai mica, bandă mai multă, viteza mai mică (vezi "caseta compactă"); constructia mecanica se bazeaza pe o parghie centrala pe care sunt fixate 2 role intermediare, prin a cărei actionare inainte sau stanga-dreapta se îndeplinesc functiile de redare sau derulare inainte-inapoi. Schema electronică include 6 tranzistoare, tip BC, AC; alimentare cu 7,5 V de la 5 baterii R14 sau adaptor extern; geanta de transport include spaţiu pt. microfon; a fost cel mai copiat casetofon, urmasul sau EL3302 constituind model pentru primele aparate ale unor mari constructori ca: Sony (mod. TC-12 - v.alaturi), Matsushita (Panasonic/Concord)(mod.RQ-3001/F100 - v. alaturi), Blaupunkt (Twen Junior -v. alaturi), Telefunken (M401 - v. alaturi), Sanyo (M-48M -v. alaturi), Aiwa (TP-736, 739), Hitachi, General Electric (M8430A), 3M/Wollensack (4100 - v. alaturi), Ampex (Micro 12), Zenith (MCM;E605), Pye (9109 Cambridge), Desna, Legenda-401 (URSS) ; funcţional, fara reparatii; cu manual de folosire si reparatie.

- world's first cassette-recorder by the specialist's opinion; a truly ''pioneer'' due to: 1- the audio medium - the new ''compact-cassette'' - small, satisfactory features, easy to make, 2- simple technics and easy to use; 3- its reduced dimensions; first public presentation at Int'l Radio Fair - Berlin , Aug. 30, 1963 ;it uses a new cassette, more than 50% smaller and lower tape speed than its american predecessors; its mechanics was based on a central ''joy-stick'' (in fact, a lever) with 4 functions/directions: play = ahead, forward=right, rewind=left, stop=back); electronic diagram includes 6 transistors; powered by 5 x 1,5V R14 batteries; its next model EL3302 was the most copied cassette-recorder and a model for first similar items of another great producers, as : Sony (model TC-12, see attch), Matsushita (model National RQ-3001, see attch), Blaupunkt (model Twen-Junior -see attch), Telefunken (M-401, see attch), Sanyo, Aiwa (TP-736, 739), Hitachi, General Electric (M8400, 8430), Ampex (Micro 12), 3M (wollensack 4100, 4200), Zenith (MCM; E605), Pye (9109 Cambridge), RCA (YZB 08, Z-982), Sears 564-34100, Desna ; a simple and reliable item.
accessories: mike w. on-off power switch, pedal as foot remote control, mono headphones, external 7.5V power adaptor; plays ok, without repairs; w. service and oper. manual.

Philips (Holland)
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