Este primul aparat din lume cu depozit de casete, ce a permis astfel ascultarea succesiva a mai multor casete (principiul "continuous play").
Amplificator cu 7 lampi, conexiuni directe intre componenete, mecanica foarte complicata datorita atat constructiei casetei (tip Scotch 270 - vezi alaturat), cat si sistemului de inlocuire a casetei ascultate. Performante audio rezonabile (48 min stereo sau 96 min. mono, 40-15.000 Hz, 2 x 9 W). Nu a rezistat pe piata, datorita aparitiei in anul urmator al REVOLUTIONARULUI Philips EL 3300 (vezi alaturi); 31 x 31 x 18 cm , ca. 16 kg.
The world's first "continuous play" cartridge recorder, having a changer which allowed consecutive listening of about 20 cartridges type Scotch 270 (see attached). 7 Tubes amplifier, no printed circuit, very complicate mechanics due to cartridge construction and also due to the replacing system of the played cartridge. Average audio performance (48 min stereo or 96 min. mono, 40-15.000 Hz, 2 x 9 W). Not successful on the market due to very next issuing (1963) of FAMOUS Philips EL33000 (see attached), which inaugurated the "compact-cassette" era ; 31 x 31 x 18 cm , ca. 16 kg (32 pounds).
- Author
- 3M-Scotch (Revere-Wollensack division)
- Created on
- Sunday 31 December 2017
- Rating score
- no rate