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+++ 1966.e. Philips/Norelco 22RL962 = world's 1st radiorecorder with compact-cassette

DSCN4975.JPG ++ 1970.n.  Sony CF-100 - first Sony radiorecorderThumbnails++ 1967.p.  Concord F-103/National RQ-231 = first japanese radiorecorder with ''compact-cassette'' (TM) ++ 1970.n.  Sony CF-100 - first Sony radiorecorderThumbnails++ 1967.p.  Concord F-103/National RQ-231 = first japanese radiorecorder with ''compact-cassette'' (TM) ++ 1970.n.  Sony CF-100 - first Sony radiorecorderThumbnails++ 1967.p.  Concord F-103/National RQ-231 = first japanese radiorecorder with ''compact-cassette'' (TM) ++ 1970.n.  Sony CF-100 - first Sony radiorecorderThumbnails++ 1967.p.  Concord F-103/National RQ-231 = first japanese radiorecorder with ''compact-cassette'' (TM)

- primul radio-casetofon portabil cu ''compact-cassette" din lume ; casetofonul are mecanica unui cas Philips EL3301, aşezata peste un radio selectiv; complet tranzistorizat; 4 lungimi de unda; sunet frumos; foarte greu de gasit;
functional; cu manual de folosire si reparatie.

- first in the world radio-recorder using ''compact-cassette (TM)'', also portable ; same mechanics as Philips EL3301; good radio, with 4 wave range; nice sound given by a big speaker; very rare to find (4 items in last 5 years on ebay; );
works ok; with operation and service manual.

Philips, Holland.
Rating score
4.08 (1 rate)