
- piesa istorica: prima si cea mai mica din lume combina portabila radio-casetofon-pickup ; radio UM selectiv ; pickup cu platan de diametru de 11 cm si viteze 33 si 45 rpm; 29.5 x 13 x 8 cm; amplificare mono.
poza temporara.
- historical piece: first and smallest in the world portable 3 in 1 (radio+cassette+record player) audio system; mono amplifier; one side is a very selective AM radio and a record player which plate's is just 11 cm diameter and has 33 & 45 speed, and the other side is the cassette recorder, which has not ''forward'' key ; powered by 110V or 4 x 1.5V R20 bats; 29.5 x 13 x 8 cm; very rare to find;
works ok; w. oper. & rep. man.
temporary photo.
- Author
- Matsushita Electric Co., Japan.
- Rating score
- no rate