atu: e unul din primele aparate combinate - radio-picup-casetofon portabile fabricate de Matsushita Electric Co si cu certitudine unul din primele din lume ; amplificator mono, tranzistorizat; mecanica metalica, constructie modulara; pick-up cu 2 viteze cu platan mic antrenat prin frecare de axul motorului; radio UM-US-UUS foarte selectiv; sunet placut si calitate buna a pieselor consumabile (role, motoare, potentiometre).
- one of firsts 3 in 1 portable music system made by Matsushita Electric Co and surely one of the first in the world ; mono amplifier, transistorized, metal mechanics, modular construction; 2 speed record player moved by friction drive, AM-FM-SW selective radio, nice sound for its age and good quality of consumable parts (rubber, motors, potentiometers).
works ok.
- Author
- Matsushita Electric Co.
- Created on
- Sunday 31 December 1899
- Rating score
- no rate