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Cassette recorder museum

fisher PH-M77 - r-cas mixt - are si microcas pz3.jpg ++  1981.h.  Olympus  Pearlcorder XR- smallest analogic radio-microrecorderThumbnails+++  1982.a. Philips CD100 = first CD in the world++  1981.h.  Olympus  Pearlcorder XR- smallest analogic radio-microrecorderThumbnails+++  1982.a. Philips CD100 = first CD in the world++  1981.h.  Olympus  Pearlcorder XR- smallest analogic radio-microrecorderThumbnails+++  1982.a. Philips CD100 = first CD in the world++  1981.h.  Olympus  Pearlcorder XR- smallest analogic radio-microrecorderThumbnails+++  1982.a. Philips CD100 = first CD in the world++  1981.h.  Olympus  Pearlcorder XR- smallest analogic radio-microrecorderThumbnails+++  1982.a. Philips CD100 = first CD in the world++  1981.h.  Olympus  Pearlcorder XR- smallest analogic radio-microrecorderThumbnails+++  1982.a. Philips CD100 = first CD in the world

noutate: aici intâlnim o combinaţie foarte rară între un micro-casetofon şi un casetofon clasic, la care s-a adăugat un radio cu UM, US, UUS ; este - de asemenea - de remarcat că micro-casetofonul beneficiază de puterea sporită a unui amplificator de portabil clasic (mai mare) , ceea ce este iarăşi o raritate; amplificator studiat, cu cate un difuzor de banda larga si un tweeter pe fiecare canal; foarte rar de gasit, desi s-a fabricat cel putin 3 ani (cf. datei imprimate pe interiorul capacului spate).
poza provizorie.

new: here is a very rare combination between a microcassette and a cassette recorder, including also an AM, FM, SW radio ; also, the microcassette has the advantage of a more powerfull amplifier, performing a better audition of a voice recording ; the recordings' transfer from microcassette to classical and more resistant compact-cassette is also another utility of this kind of item.; advanced technique for its year (1981); very rare to find.
not original photo -
works ok.

Fisher, USA; made in Japan.
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