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+ 1982.b. Clarke & Smith CS1

Clarke & Smith CS1.JPG + 1977.j.  Sony CF-950SThumbnails++  1981.h.  Olympus  Pearlcorder XR- smallest analogic radio-microrecorder+ 1977.j.  Sony CF-950SThumbnails++  1981.h.  Olympus  Pearlcorder XR- smallest analogic radio-microrecorder+ 1977.j.  Sony CF-950SThumbnails++  1981.h.  Olympus  Pearlcorder XR- smallest analogic radio-microrecorder+ 1977.j.  Sony CF-950SThumbnails++  1981.h.  Olympus  Pearlcorder XR- smallest analogic radio-microrecorder

exemplu de radio-cas cu comenzi reliefate/proeminente pt deficientii de vedere ;
toate butoanele si tastele au semne dictinctive in relief sau forme aparte pentru a fi recunoscute prin simtul tactil; conceptie simpla dar robusta, fara decoratiuni stralucitoare inutile; fabricat in Anglia, la cerinta si in proprietatea Fondul Britanic pentru Deficientii de Vedere;
functional cu exceptia FM.

sample of portable radiorecorder especially conceived for blind person; all keys and buttons has proeminent signs for to be easier distinguished by finger's touch ;
previous property of British Wireless for Blind Fund .
works ok, except FM.

Clarke & Smith Mfg. Co.
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