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+++ 1962 (?).e.c. caseta/casette Vity

DSCN0095.JPG ++  1968.f.  Philips LFH0086 -  world's 1st  phone robot w. ''minicassette''Thumbnails+++ 1962 (?).e.  Vity CR-II - 1st(?) japanese cassette recorder++  1968.f.  Philips LFH0086 -  world's 1st  phone robot w. ''minicassette''Thumbnails+++ 1962 (?).e.  Vity CR-II - 1st(?) japanese cassette recorder++  1968.f.  Philips LFH0086 -  world's 1st  phone robot w. ''minicassette''Thumbnails+++ 1962 (?).e.  Vity CR-II - 1st(?) japanese cassette recorder++  1968.f.  Philips LFH0086 -  world's 1st  phone robot w. ''minicassette''Thumbnails+++ 1962 (?).e.  Vity CR-II - 1st(?) japanese cassette recorder

- model unic de caseta audio având rola presoare în centru , iar rolele suprapuse, banda fiind întinsă de un arc situat intre ele; viteza benzii=4,7 cm/sec; dimens: 79 x 83 x 13 mm; durata: 20 min pe fiecare parte; carcasa metalica brunată; mecanica cea mai complicata pt. o caseta; folosită la casetofonul Vity CR-II (vezi alăturat); comparatie cu alte 49 tipuri de casete audio - vezi tabelul din sectiunea ''despre casetofon'' .

- unique model of cassette having central pinch-roll, overlapped reels ; also, the tape it is pulled by a spring located between the reels; tape speed: 4.7 cm/sec; dims: 79 x 83 x 13 mm; tape's breadth: 3 mm ; timing: 2 sides x 20 min; metal box; the most complicate mechanics for an audio cassette; used by Vity CR-II recorder (see attached); comparison with other 49 types of audio cassettes - in the table from ''about cassette-recorder'' section.

Nippon Electronics Co.Ltd.
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