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+++ 1962.b. OrrTronic P-100

DSCN0073.JPG +++ 1962 (?).e.  Vity CR-II - 1st(?) japanese cassette recorderThumbnails+++  1963.b. Cousino  7320+++ 1962 (?).e.  Vity CR-II - 1st(?) japanese cassette recorderThumbnails+++  1963.b. Cousino  7320+++ 1962 (?).e.  Vity CR-II - 1st(?) japanese cassette recorderThumbnails+++  1963.b. Cousino  7320+++ 1962 (?).e.  Vity CR-II - 1st(?) japanese cassette recorderThumbnails+++  1963.b. Cousino  7320

-casetofon cu amplificare mono si electronica mixta - lampi si trz; proiectat numai pt redarea casetelor/cartuselor tip Orrtronic Tapette (vezi alaturat), fara sfarsit; dupa simbolizare , pare a fi primul casetofon al acestui producator; are una din primele carcase din lemn folosita la un casetofon; functional fara interventii.

-endless cartridge player conceived (by John Herbert Orr' electronics company) having mixed electronics - transistors and valves; mono amplifier, conceived just as a player, using Orrtronic Tapette endless cartridge (see attached); taking into account type's symbol, could be first cartridge player of this producer; it has one of the firsts wood case used for a cartridge player;
plays ok, without interventions.

JHO Electronics Co. - USA
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