+++ 1951(?).a.c. caseta/cartridge Peirce 330

- una din primele casete cu fir de oţel, viteza min. 19 cm/sec, durata 30 sau 60 min, dimensiuni: 21 x 8,5 x 2,9 cm; indicator orar mecanic, greutate cca. 250 gr; constructia sa a prefigurat viitoarele variante de casete cu banda; comparatie cu alte 49 casete audio -in tabelul din sectiunea ''despre casetofon'' .
- one of first (steel) wire cartridge; speed: min. 19 cm/sec, time - 30/60 min; weight ca. 250 gr., mechanical time indicator, external dims: see above or in the table from ''about cassette-recorder'' section; its design (2 reels, time indicator)served as model for next types of audio tape cassettes; see comparisons with other 49 types of audio cassetes in the table from ''about cassette-recorder'' section.
- Author
- Peirce Inc. (USA)
- Created on
- Sunday 31 December 1899
- Rating score
- no rate