+++ 1950.b.c. first endless cassette - caseta/cassette Tefi Schallband

- prima caseta cu bandă (in loc de fir de otel; banda este nemagnetică, redată cu ac de pick-up); prima caseta fara sfarsit din lume si primul tip de caseta cea a fost pre-inregistrata, inaugurand astfel o noua industrie - cea a inregistrarilor audio pe banda pentru public; 114 x 97 x 49 mm, 19 cm/sec; variante de 24/48/60 minute, toate fără sfârşit, ce au determinat si 3 marimi diferite ; folosita prima data la casetofonul Tefifon B51, ulterior la casetofonul Tefifon KC-1/Ra - vezi alaturat perioada 1956-60; comparatie cu alte 44 casete audio -in tabelul din sectiunea ''despre casetofon'' .
- world's first cassette with tape (instead wire; tape is non-magnetic, played with pick-up needle); world's first endless & first pre-recorded cassette, inaugurating a new industry - audio recordings onto tape, very apreciated during next 40-50 years !; variants of 24/48/60 minutes, each being endless, variants that determined 3 different sizes; for Tefifon B51, KC-1, Tefifon BK61UKW, etc (see attached in period 1956-60); dims. and speed - see above or see comparisons with other 44 types of audio cassetes in the table from ''about cassette-recorder'' section.
- Author
- Tefi GmbH. (W-Germany)
- Created on
- Sunday 31 December 1899
- Rating score
- no rate