
- primul casetofon cu caseta compactă importat în SUA (este de fapt un Philips EL3301 pt. piaţa nord-americană); set complet cu microfon, casete, telecomanda cu pedala, etui de umar, totul in ambalaj original;
funcţional fara reparatii; cu manual de folosire si reparatie.
- first compact-cassette recorder imported by USA – in fact it’s a Philips EL3301 (made in Holland) for the north-american market- the largest in the world; complete set w. mic, 4 cassettes, remote w. foot pedal, shoulder bag, all in original pack ;
plays ok, without repairs; w. operation & service manual.
- Author
- Philips ( Holland)
- Created on
- Sunday 31 December 1899
- Rating score
- no rate