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+++ 1958.a. RCA Victor CP-1

RCA Victor CP-1 - primul casetofon cu banda magnetica din lume.JPG +++  1964.c. Sanyo M-35 Micro-Pack - first cart recorder w variable speedThumbnails1978.d.  Electronika 302+++  1964.c. Sanyo M-35 Micro-Pack - first cart recorder w variable speedThumbnails1978.d.  Electronika 302+++  1964.c. Sanyo M-35 Micro-Pack - first cart recorder w variable speedThumbnails1978.d.  Electronika 302+++  1964.c. Sanyo M-35 Micro-Pack - first cart recorder w variable speedThumbnails1978.d.  Electronika 302

- primul casetofon (comercial) staţionar cu banda magnetică din lume şi implicit, al firmei RCA; foloseste caseta RCA tip Sound Tape Cartridge (Camden) cu 4 piste, 2 feţe (vezi alăturat); prezintă pentru prima dată elemente inovatoare ce mai târziu vor fi preluate de aparatele HIFI: 3capete separate, autostop; 5 tuburi electronice (6V6, 2 x 12AX7, 6X4, 6CG7) răcite cu motorul care are şi rol de ventilator de incintă;
functional; cu manuale de operare si reparaţie.

- first in the world domestic magnetic cartridge stand-alone recorder ; it uses the RCA 4-track cartridge (type Camden, see beside); it presents innovations specific for later HIFIs: 3 separate heads, autostop; tubes cooled by an enclosure's fan due to a big motor;
works ok ; with operation and service manual

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