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+ 1992.e. Philips AW7150

1992.b.Philips AW7150.jpg +++  1968.j. Crown CSC-9350  world's 1st stereo portable radiorecorderThumbnails+  1986.b. Philips D8082 Le Cube+++  1968.j. Crown CSC-9350  world's 1st stereo portable radiorecorderThumbnails+  1986.b. Philips D8082 Le Cube+++  1968.j. Crown CSC-9350  world's 1st stereo portable radiorecorderThumbnails+  1986.b. Philips D8082 Le Cube+++  1968.j. Crown CSC-9350  world's 1st stereo portable radiorecorderThumbnails+  1986.b. Philips D8082 Le Cube+++  1968.j. Crown CSC-9350  world's 1st stereo portable radiorecorderThumbnails+  1986.b. Philips D8082 Le Cube+++  1968.j. Crown CSC-9350  world's 1st stereo portable radiorecorderThumbnails+  1986.b. Philips D8082 Le Cube

- radio+dublu cas portabil stereo; are facilitatea de copiere cu viteză marită pe cel de-al doilea cas (high speed dubbing); mecanică de walkman (piese micşorate)pt a castiga spatiu pt difuzoare; functional.
- a sample of portable stereo radio-double cassette with high speed dubbing; mechanics adapted from walkman (with smaller parts) for winning space for speakers; works ok.