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+++ 1951(?).a. Peirce 265B - wire cartridge recorder

- unul din primele casetofoane cu fir de oţel (cu tuburi electronice) ; mecanica e luata de la modelul militar Peirce RD-106 (v. foto precedenta); e primul casetofon ce a utilizat claviatura, ce va deveni un element esential (si) la aceste tipuri de aparate;
redare ok, netestat la inregistrare;
- one of first wire cartridge recorder; mechanics from military model Peirce RD-106 (see previous photo); with tubes; first cartridge-recorder with keyboards, which will become essential (also) for this kind of audio devices;
plays ok, recording not tested.
- Author
- Peirce Inc. (USA)
- Created on
- Sunday 31 December 1899
- Rating score
- no rate