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+++ 1986.c.c. Dictasette (picocassette)=smallest analog cassette

1987.e.caseta Dictasette - inventie Dictaphone.jpg 1987(?).c. Felix 3810Thumbnails1987.f. Tehnoton Condor 6221987(?).c. Felix 3810Thumbnails1987.f. Tehnoton Condor 6221987(?).c. Felix 3810Thumbnails1987.f. Tehnoton Condor 6221987(?).c. Felix 3810Thumbnails1987.f. Tehnoton Condor 6221987(?).c. Felix 3810Thumbnails1987.f. Tehnoton Condor 6221987(?).c. Felix 3810Thumbnails1987.f. Tehnoton Condor 622

- cea mai mica caseta audio analogica; inovaţie Dictaphone, 9mm/sec, 35 x 25 x 4 mm ; pt. comparatie cu alte 43 tipuri de casete, v. tabel din sectiunea ''despre casetofon''.

- Dictaphone’s invention - Dictasette (TM)=smallest analogic audio cassette; speed: 9mm/sec; for comparison w. other 43 various cass' types, see the table from ''about cassette-recorder'' section.

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