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+ 1990.c. Sony CFM-2500 My First Sony

1990.c.Sony CFM-2500.jpg +++  1968.j. Crown CSC-9350  world's 1st stereo portable radiorecorderThumbnails+  1975 (?).c.  General Electric 3-5507B+++  1968.j. Crown CSC-9350  world's 1st stereo portable radiorecorderThumbnails+  1975 (?).c.  General Electric 3-5507B+++  1968.j. Crown CSC-9350  world's 1st stereo portable radiorecorderThumbnails+  1975 (?).c.  General Electric 3-5507B+++  1968.j. Crown CSC-9350  world's 1st stereo portable radiorecorderThumbnails+  1975 (?).c.  General Electric 3-5507B+++  1968.j. Crown CSC-9350  world's 1st stereo portable radiorecorderThumbnails+  1975 (?).c.  General Electric 3-5507B+++  1968.j. Crown CSC-9350  world's 1st stereo portable radiorecorderThumbnails+  1975 (?).c.  General Electric 3-5507B

- aparatul este dovada popularităţii casetofoanelor, care - spre finalul "carierei" lor - au fost realizate chiar şi pt copii, fiind proiectate cu facilităţi atractive pt. ei- în acest caz, aparatul are mufe de intrare pt 2 microfoane la care , de ex., doi copii pot cânta simultan, înregistrandu-se/karaoke;
design şi cromatică specifice jucăriilor (tractor); radio AM+FM foarte selectiv; casetofon uşor de folosit datorită claviaturii diferit colorate; difuzor suficient de mare; functional.

- a sample of portable radiocassette-recorder for children, designed as a tractor in lively colours, with 2 microphones even for karaoke ; one illustrative component of ''My First Sony''s succesfull serie, which made the cassette-recorder very popular; works ok.