
- probabil primul sistem muzical/combina 3 in 1 din Europa si prima combina radio-cas -pickup stereo ce include aparate Philips (pick+up şi casetofon; radio facut de Grundig sau Loewe); expusa si la Muzeul Radio-ului german; design unic; boxe incorporate; functionala; cu scheme si manuale de fol.
- first european 3 in 1 stereo music system and first which does include Philips devices (record-player and cassette-recorder; radio made by Grundig or Loewe ) ; exhibited also at German Radio Museum; built-in speakers; unique design; w. electronic diagram and oper. manual; plays ok.
- Author
- Philips-Grundig
- Created on
- Sunday 31 December 1899
- Rating score
- no rate